Useful tips for cargo securing

This is the first post in a series of cargo securing advice and useful hints. These are meant for people who think economically. They do not like to waste time, muscle power; risk their health or pay fines.

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First of all: If someone says, “it is so heavy it won’t move,” it is pretty sure they have not tried to stop it. The fact is, that the weight of a cargo item is both defining the frictional force and the force moving it. If the moving force is larger than the frictional force for a light item at a certain acceleration, it will also be so with a heavier item. The only difference is that a heavier item is a lot harder to stop from moving.

Secondly: The cargo has to be secured in every transport, regardless of the speed used or the distance moved. This is sometimes difficult to comply with as individuals think they only need to move their load a short way, and slowly, so nothing can happen.

Thirdly: The cargo has to be secured, either by supporting it, lashing it or blocking it from moving. How to succeed with this is up to you, but there are international standards which give the guidelines. The legislation in European countries follow the standards partly due to other mandatory directives and partly due to common sense and old practice.


Drive safely,

Cargo Lashing Expert.