Top-over lashing

This is posting number 10 in a series of cargo securing advice and useful hints. These are meant for people who think economically. They do not like to waste time, muscle power, risk their health or pay fines.

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Lashing methods Part 1A: Top-over lashing

By far, the most common way of lashing is to throw the straps over the cargo and tension them. This method presses the item against the floor and adds frictional force. How much this method secures the cargo depends on the tension and the friction. If friction is low, like in icy conditions, top-over lashing is useless. It is also useless if the straps are not tightened, because then there is no additional downward force applied.

When lashing round items like paper rolls, it is important to always place the straps over the center of the roll. Otherwise they will slide off. Tensioning the straps over soft items is useless as you never get them tight. So, when the cargo consists of hard items with straight sides, like saw timber for example, then top -over lashing can be used successfully.

The sticker on the strap tells you how much tension (STF) you can get by pulling the tensioner handle with a force of 50daN (kg). Usually that is 300-400daN. Remember, top-over lashing only works if the strap is tensioned properly.


Drive safely,

Cargo Lashing Expert