Tarpaulin, net, mesh, fabric, what is the difference?
This is post number 21 in a series of cargo securing advice and useful hints. These are meant for people who think economically. They do not like to waste time, muscle power, risk their health or pay fines. What is the difference between tarpaulin, net and mesh?
I have suggested earlier using a strong fabric for securing difficult cargo. Be aware though, of certain important differences in products on the market. Some of them have straps sewed on a mesh, net or PVC tarpaulin but the strap goes across the cargo. These do not transfer all lashing forces to the tarpaulin; instead, they work like a single strap, but with some biding effect between the straps. From the crushing point of view (posts 17 and 20), this does not give any advantage.
From the cargo securing point of view, they should also be considered single straps with top-over lashing. Often the mesh or the net has NO RATING regarding the Lashing Capacity because the strength is too weak or the elongation is much too large. Quite possibly, only the strap used has some strength and rating. All small items in the cargo left between the straps, are without proper cargo securing.
A proper solution for securing cargo with a fabric includes that the lashing forces are transferred to the fabric, so that the fabric does the job. You can always ask for certificates from third party tests wehere your type of cargo has been used.
Can you see the difference in behavior?
Drive safely,
Cargo Lashing Expert