The Cargo-Lashing Expert

Cargo securing for the economically minded

Create friction, it helps.

This is the posting number 7 in a series of cargo securing advice and useful hints. These are meant for people who think economically, they do not like to waste time, muscle power, risk their health or pay fines.

FRICTION: What is it? How much is it? Can I rely on it?

Friction is caused when one surface has to slide over another surface. Depending on the hardness and roughness of these surfaces the force varies. Also, loose particles like sand, moisture and ice play an important role.

Friction is represented as the coefficient ‘µ’ with a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The friction can easily be tested by tilting the surface an item is resting on, as it represents the relation between vertical force and horizontal force. If you can raise the surface straight up, with the angle at 90 degrees, and your item still sits on the surface, then the friction coefficient is µ=1.0. If your item slides after the angle is 30 degrees then you have µ=0.5, at 40 degrees µ=0,6, and at 58 degrees µ=0.8.

Remember these angles when the rules require you to secure the cargo, so that it tolerates for example 0,8G forward. It is equal to a situation where the cargo is placed on the surface at a 58 degrees angle.

Drive safely,

Cargo Lashing Expert.